Features - Positeams: Plateforme Engagement Collaborateurs


An intuitive employee experience platform designed for HR professionals

Everything you need to establish an engagement management process. The Positeams platform is designed to streamline every step of your engagement management strategy, providing you with powerful tools and a user-friendly interface.


Engagement surveys

Engagement Surveys: Continuously Measure Employee Engagement

Pulse surveys

Take the pulse of your teams with mini surveys

Custom surveys

Capture your employees' opinions on specific topics

Onboarding surveys

Enhance your onboarding process by questioning new hires

Exit surveys

Capture feedback before they leave for continuous improvement of the employee experience

Built in models and questions

14 drivers of engagement

Autonomy, recognition, workload, and a dozen other drivers to capture the overall picture of engagement within your company.

+100 Questions

Quantitative and qualitative questions to cover each engagement driver.

Scientific reference.

Drivers and questions stemming from the latest research in organizational psychology.

Data Analysis and meaningfull KPI's


Using a single question, capture the employee engagement rate.

Heat maps

Visually identify the segments and drivers that require your attention.

Engagement score

Calculate your engagement score and track its improvement over time

Participation rate

A high participation rate is a good indicator of trust, whereas a low rate requires communication efforts.

Mood Barometer

Capture your employees' mood at the time of the survey.

Sentiment analysis

Capture your employees' sentiment from their feedback.

Multiple roles

Admin, HR, manager, or executive. Each role has access to a specific set of data.

Data segments.

Age, gender, tenure, or location. Multiple segments are available to better guide your actions.

Exportable reports

Export your data to Excel or PDF and share them with your teams for more in-depth analysis.

Natural Language Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

Capture your employees' sentiment from hundreds of feedback.


Visually capture the most discussed keywords among your populations.


Visually capture the most discussed topics among your populations.

Manager Employee conversations

1-on1 Chat

Chat to follow up on survey responses between managers and employees.

Anonymous chat

Allow your employees to anonymously communicate with their managers without the risk of identification.

Action Management

Actions library

For each dimension of engagement, find suggestions to help you implement appropriate actions.

Actions suggestions

Positeams automatically detects needs and suggests appropriate actions to implement.

Action plans

Easily create action plans, assign actions to managers, and track progress.

Reminders and notifications

Participation reminders

Improve your participation rate by sending automatic survey participation reminders.

Conversation notifications

Stay informed whenever you receive feedback from one of your colleagues.

Action notifications

Stay informed about the progress status of your action plans.

Security and data protection

100% anonymous surveys

Your employees can express themselves freely by sharing their honest opinions without fearing identification, thanks to our fully anonymous survey system.

Data confidentiality

We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that our reports maintain data confidentiality by avoiding filtering and segmentation on groups of less than 5 employees.

Data encryption

To protect your employees' data, our database uses RSA-256 encryption to conceal their identity.